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Die Firma ILJIN wurde im Jahr 1973 gegründet und hat derzeit einem Jahresumsatz von über 3,0 Mrd. €. ILJIN beschäftigt ca. 5.800 Mitarbeiter in 21 Produktionsstätten in Asien, Europa und USA. Im Bereich Automobiltechnik haben wir 3 Forschungs-Institute die in Korea, Deutschland und in den USA lokalisiert sind. Im Bereich Automobiltechnik fertigen wir technische Komponenten wie Radlager und Chassis Teile bis hin zu Systemlösungen wie Corner Module. Die Firma ILJIN ist Weltmarktführer im Bereich PKW Radlager und fertigt derzeit mehr als 35 Mio. Radlager. Unser Firmenerfolg beruht auf Innovation, Geschwindigkeit, kundengerechte Lösungen und der „Make it Happen“ Philosophie. Zur Verstärkung unseres Teams innerhalb Automotive Europe suchen wir am Standort Frankfurt:



1. 모집 부분 및 주요 업무
  1) 차량 제어 소프트웨어/알고리즘 개발 엔지니어

      a. Application development of real-time capable series software for mechatronic systems in the vehicle
      b. Creation and maintenance of requirement and specification
      c. Design of the detailed software architecture according to AUTOSAR
      d. Creation of implementation and test concepts and coordination of the realization time
      e. Commissioning and monitoring of the realization
       f. Code optimization, integration, and documentation

   2) ECU 개발 엔지니어 (회로설계, 하드웨어 설계)
      a. Mechatronics Systems electrical and electronic (E/E) requirements analysis and alignment with Vehicle E/E requirements.
      b. Creation and maintenance of requirement and specification for Mechatronics Electrical circuits and Electronic Control units
      c. Design of ECU Operating Software (OS) architecture according to AUTOSAR
      d. Definition of test concepts and coordination of the realization time to satisfy the required ASIL (Automotive Safety Integrity) Level.
      e. Commissioning, monitoring, documentation, and release of the realization (ECU components Suppliers, OS supplier, OS application)
       f. Resources (Electrical, Microcontroller, Memory, Communication) optimization.

   3) 차량 샤시 기구설계 엔지니어
      a. Costumer mechanical design requirements analysis and alignment with internal development team and feedback to customer
      b. Mechanical modeling and drawing release of Chassis components
      c. Mechanical design calculation and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) of Chassis Components
      d. Manufacturing and Assembly study of Chassis Components
      e. Supplier technical support for the development of Chassis Components


    4) 차량 메카트로닉스 시스템 개발 총괄 (수석급)
      a. Mechatronics Systems electrical and electronic (E/E) requirements analysis for Automotive
      b. Benchmark analysis of solutions to meet the requirements and alignment with internal goals.
      c. Creation and maintenance of requirement and specification for Mechatronics Electrical circuits and Electronic control units
      d. Development, Commissioning, monitoring and documentation of the released Mechatronics System (ECU components Suppliers, OS supplier, OS application)
      e. Executable software integration in embedded target, test & release of functional software
       f. Technical consulting and support on engineering projects of global R&D operations

2. 지원 조건
      a. 이공계 학사 또는 석사 출신 (기계, 전기전자, 딥러닝, 머신러닝 전공자 우대)
      b. 독일어 가능자 우대 (영어 소통 필수, 팀장이 독일인)
      c. 노동비자 소지자 우대

3. 근무지 및 근무형태
   Frankfurt am Main (Kalbach) / 주 40시간 근무 정규직 (주 5일, 08:00~17:00)

4. 연봉
   협의 후 결정

5. 복리후생
   유급휴가 30일, 개인연금보험 지원, 업무용 휴대폰 및 통신비 지원

6. 제출서류
   이력서: 한국어 1부, 독일어 1부
   학력 및 경력증명서


7. 서류접수
※ 이메일 제목 „[포지션] 지원자 이름“으로 접수하시길 안내드리며, 서류심사 후 결과는 개별 통지됩니다.
접수처: recruitment@iljin.eu
인사 담당자: 이수연 대리
Tel: 0972197797-11




첨부파일: ILJIN Stellenangebot R&D Engineer 2021.pdf 


List of Articles
날짜 제목 이름 조회 수
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