I. Overall Introduction

                Established in 1997, the Overseas Koreans Foundation is a non-profit organization affiliated with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. The organization's efforts have been focused on promoting the rights and interests of the 7 million overseas Koreans and their advancement into mainstream society.

                The organization, as it celebrates its 11th year anniversary, places high priority in expanding the political influence of overseas Koreans. Henceforth, the rights and interests will expand, as well as development of Korean society. Furthermore, the organization has also been fostering the growth of future leaders who will play active roles in politics and society.

                In order to promote the Overseas Koreans Foundation's efforts, the organization has organized The Future Leaders' Conference. It supports successful participants who are selected from various fields (politics, business and society etc.) to network, exchange ideas and participate in activities.

                The organization welcomes The 11th Future Leaders' Conference. Overseas Korean political leaders, political aides and those who work in international organizations abroad will make up the majority of participants. Participants will discuss the political issues in their respective countries, and have active discussions with domestic specialists.

                Through this conference, the organization hopes the young leaders will have the opportunity to develop a wider Korean network, and by sharing a common identity as Koreans will also have the chance to experience and enjoy traditional Korean culture.

Please refer to the following for more details about the upcoming event.

II. General Program

A        Name of Event: The 11th Future Leaders’ Conference (FLC)

B        Purpose
1.        Find promising leaders in politics, international organizations as well as world-class media in order to promote relations between overseas Koreans and their mother country.
2.        Support young leaders from different professional fields government, society and media to HanMinJok Networks

C        Program Date: 28 July, 2007 (Mon) – 01 August (Fri)
1.        Check In : 28 July, 2007(Mon)  
2.        Check Out : 02 Aug. 2007 (Sat.)  

D        Accommodations
1.        To Be Announced
2.        Language: Korean and English

E        Place: Seoul, Kyesung (North Korea)

F        Main Activities (to be announced)
1.        Visits to government offices
2.        Networking activities between Koreans both foreign and domestic
3.        Keynote speech from Overseas Korean from politics cultural and social field
•        Mayor Jun Choi, Edison, New Jersey
•        Yul Kwon, Survivor: Cook Island Winner
•        Etc.
4.        Korea and Korean Culture Experience
•        Meeting overseas Koreans in country and participating community service
•        Visit to Gaesung in North Korea
•        Experience Korean Culture and view traditional performances

Note: The details of the programs are tentative and subject to change.

III. Who attends FLC?

A        Applicant Qualifications
•        Must be a current politician, aids, lobbyist or other related government employees
•        Must be an employee of a regional cooperation, international organization or an NGO
ex : UN, WTO, EU, OECD, ASEAN. Etc.
•        Must be an employee of a world class publisher, magazine publisher or a journalist, media representative
•        Must be a representative or a leader of a Future Generation Professionals group (each organization can apply for up to 2 seats)

B        Requirement:
•        Age range from 30 - 40, 1.5 or 2nd generation of overseas Koreans
•        Must have lived or stayed more than 10 years having been granted of permanent residency status or citizenship
•        In addition to the native language, must be fluent in either English or Korean or both

Note : Members who have not previously participated in activities hosted by the foundation

C        Application submission Method
•        Application forms and related files should be sent through the Korean Embassy or through a related Korean association
•        Applications can also be submitted through the organization’s director
•        Applications in the format above can be sent by FAX, postal mail, or e-mail

D        Basis of Selection  
•        The level of public awareness of the applicant’s organization / group will be taken into account
•        Consideration of the applicant’s position, contribution to society, as well as future potential for advancement
•        Any accomplishments, public recognitions and awards for outstanding contributions to their community will be considered
•        Education level (Master and Ph.D would be preferred) and related careers will be taken into account

E        Expected number of Applicant : FLC is limited to 100 participants. Preference will be given to applicants who fully provide the required information.

IV. Required Documents

A        Related Documents
1.        To be Submitted
•        Application Form (with photograph)
•        Resume
•        Self-Introduction (Current Occupation, Interests, Purpose and Expectations)
•        Additional Recommendations

2.        After Acceptance
•        Copy of Passport
•        Academic Certificate
•        Work Certificate or Resume Certificate (from office)
•        Miscellaneous : Media clips related to your resume and awards should be included in self introduction

3.        Upon Arrival
•        A copy of the flight ticket for reimbursement
•        Approval of Press Release, Liability Release, Photo Release Forms

B        Deadline
•        Application deadline: April 10, 2008 (Thu)
•        Announcement : after April 30, 2008 (Wed)

V. Process and Funding

A        Judging Process
•        Application requisition – Open Panel Judging – Qualification Monitoring –Send Invitation – Result – Courtesy Call Management

B        Funding
•        50% of international (economy) return ticket will be reimbursed(receipts should be submitted). But, in the case of CIS participants, round trip ticket (economy) will be completely reimbursed.
•        During the event, OKF will cover all program expenses (hotel, food, transportation in Korea). However, this does not include personal expenses.

VI. Recommended Number According to Region
                A. Americas/Europe/Oceania (5 according to region)
           B. China/CIS/Europe (5 according to region)

VII. Contact Information

Overseas Koreans Foundation
Manager : Jeong Hea, Kim
6th Floor, Diplomatic Center
1376-1, Seocho 2dong, Seocho gu, Seoul 137-072
tel : 82 2 3463 6500 ext. 602, fax : 82 2 3463 3999, email : jheakim@okf.or.kr

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