KIER 국제공동연구 공모


■ Objective

ㅇ Promoting energy technology of KIER and conducting the top-tier cutting edge joint R&Ds with foreign research groups.



ㅇ The FY 2022 KIER international joint R&D project* will be funded by KIER.

* Description for KIER’s International Joint R&D Project

Approx. 200M KRW at maximum will be granted for each project.

(100M KRW for KIER / 100M KRW for the foreign partner, at the most)


■ Candidates qualifications

ㅇ Any Scientists and engineers in need of KIER’s funding support with an aim for advancing state of the art research in the area of energy technology

ㅇ And those with more than 3 years of relevant professional career


● Any scientists and engineers who meet the abovementioned qualifications are eligible to apply and submit foreign PI’s concept paper (CP) and CV by June 10 (Thursday), 2021.

- Proposal CPs relevant to KIER’s 2 CPs (refer to the list) only are eligible for this funding program.

- If you submit CP with no relevance with KIER’s 2 CPs, then it will not be accepted as funding program this year. However, it will be referred and shared among KIER’s researchers when apply in 2022.

- Overhead cost cannot exceed 20% of total budget cost

(This rate can be negotiable after the final selection)

● After the 1st proposal evaluation, several top-ranked candidates will be selected as eligible partners for full proposal submission with 2 KIER PIs. One partner for one KIER PI will be matched at the 1st evaluation during the 3rd week of June, 2021. The submitted CP(Concept Paper) and your CV only are considered in the evaluation by KIER Committee. (No oral presentations)

● KIER will award one or two projects (the number maybe changed depending on the budget available) which successfully pass the final presentation evaluation as KIER’s international joint projects.

- Presentation speaker should be both foreign PI and KIER PI

- Foreign PI gives an online presentation via web application.

- KIER PI will attend the evaluation venue at KIER and present before evaluators.


■ Schedule(tentative)

Date Contents

May 11, 2021 ~

June 10, 2021 Concept paper and CV submission

3rd week of June Concept paper evaluation(1st)

4th week of June Announce of 1st evaluation result and

Match make partners with each KIER’s 2 PIs

July ~ September 9 Submission of full proposal in English(MS word) and in Korean(by KIER PI) by writing together with matched KIER PI

September 16 Submission of presentation Material(PPT)

September 30 Final presentation(by video) at KIER

During December Final announcement of the evaluation result

Dec 2021 ~ Jan 2022 Make contract between two institute and project budget remittance to Foreign Partner institute

Jan 1, 2022 Projects start.


- Submission deadline follows Korean Time

- Use the Concept Paper template (form) provided

- Full Proposal form will be provided to those who pass the 1st evaluation

- Online submission by email account is available. (No fax, No postal mail)


■ Contact

ㅇWoonho Baek, Coordinator, Global Strategy Team T. +82-42-860-3633 F. +82-42-860-3486


List of Articles
날짜 제목 이름 조회 수
2024.03.19 EKC 2024 참가 등록 안내 file 정현영 576
2021.06.01 연회비 납부 방법 및 납부 여부 확인 방법 안내 file 관리자 1957
2022.01.26 ‘22년 한-독일 글로벌 인재양성 플랫폼 참여기관 모집 공고 file 배동운 262
2021.05.23 한국에너지기술연구원 국제공동연구 공모 안내 file 배동운 261
2021.01.27 뮌헨+ 청소년 과학교실 - 온라인 1회 2021년 02월 06일 (토) file 48755 260
2021.03.15 2021 한민족청년과학도포럼(Young Generation Forum, ‘YGF’) file 42010 255
2021.06.18 2021년 VeKNI Webinar: Dr. 성기원 (초청연사, 스칸디나비아 과협, KTH Royal Institute of Technology) - Spectrum sharing and local licensing (6월 24일 (목), 21시-22시) 한슬기 253
2021.12.21 VeKNI Webinar: 김도영 박사과정 (물리분과, Friedrich Schiller University Jena) - PHY101: Phase - Measure or Restore (2021년 12월 21일 (화) 오후 9시) 한슬기 252
2023.09.26 2023 세계한인차세대대회 참가자 모집 안내 file 배동운 249
2024.04.12 [과총] 제2회 세계한인과학기술인대회 해외참가자 지원 요청(~4/24) file 배동운 248
2023.03.05 [VeKNI] YGF/YPF2022 참가신청 접수 안내 (기한 3월10일) file 한슬기 247
2021.07.10 뮌헨+ 청소년 과학교실 - 온라인 11회 2021년 07월 24일 (토) file 한슬기 246
2023.06.02 2024년 한국에너지기술연구원 국제공동연구(수요지향형) 홍보 (세부 정보 추가 2023. 06. 09) file 한슬기 242
2022.06.08 [2022 VeKNI Webinar/재료분과] 오현철 교수 (울산과학기술원 UNIST, 화학과) - 미래 자동차와 수소경제 (2022년6월 22일 (수) 독일 시간 16:00 (한국 시간 23:00) 한슬기 238
2020.11.21 뮌헨+ 청소년 과학교실 - 온라인 15회 12월 5일 file 41592 234
2022.09.22 재독과협 온라인 코딩강좌 2022 수강신청 (Python) by 전기/전자/정보통신분과 한슬기 230
2021.01.13 새회장단 새해 인사 file 42010 230
2022.11.04 [2022 VeKNI Webinar 디자인 건축분과] 이석정 교수님(ISA-Stadtbauatelier 공동대표, 독일 건축가) - 이웃과 함께하는 주거문화 (2022년 11월 23일, 수 21시~) file 한슬기 229
2023.12.28 자문위원 이 춘식 박사님 별세 배동운 228
2023.04.02 [KOFST] 2023년 우수연구자교류지원(BrainLink) 기술교류회 사업 지원 신청 안내 file 한슬기 226
2023.08.08 [한국연구재단(NRF)] EKC 2023 한국연구재단 세션 - Brain to Korea file 한슬기 223
2023.02.01 [과총] 2023년도 재외과협 지원사업(특별) 사업계획서 제출요청 file 배동운 223
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