연사: 한정우 박사 (Department of Physics, University of Duisburg-Essen)
주제: 그래핀에서의 플라즈모닉 비선형 전자동역학 관측
발표자 소개:
국민대학교 물리학과 학사 (2008-2012)
광주과학기술원 물리 광 과학과 석사 (2012-2014)
서울대학교 물리학과 석사 연구원 (2013-2014)
광주과학기술원 물리 광 과학과 박사 (2014-2019)
뒤스부르크-에센대학교, 물리학과 Post-doc (2020-현재)
Graphene has attracted significant attention as the first real solid material platform for the realization of the relativistic quasi-particle. Namely, graphene provides a unique opportunity to experimentally identification for the intriguing phenomena predicted in the Dirac equation such as the pseudo-spin chirality. Recently, the strong nonlinear coupling between the quasi-particle in graphene and light oscillated with the terahertz frequency region had been theoretically predicted, leading to the experimental verifications for the nonlinear response emerging in graphene. However, all experimental studies up to now have been well interpreted based on the thermal nonlinearity only, although strong plasmonic nonlinearity has been theoretically predicted to come into play together with the thermal nonlinearity. In this talk, I will present the first experimental evidence of the strong plasmonic nonlinearity. Detailed experimental (narrow terahertz band pump-probe spectroscopy) and analysis methodologies will be provided.
주제: 그래핀에서의 플라즈모닉 비선형 전자동역학 관측
발표자 소개:
국민대학교 물리학과 학사 (2008-2012)
광주과학기술원 물리 광 과학과 석사 (2012-2014)
서울대학교 물리학과 석사 연구원 (2013-2014)
광주과학기술원 물리 광 과학과 박사 (2014-2019)
뒤스부르크-에센대학교, 물리학과 Post-doc (2020-현재)
Graphene has attracted significant attention as the first real solid material platform for the realization of the relativistic quasi-particle. Namely, graphene provides a unique opportunity to experimentally identification for the intriguing phenomena predicted in the Dirac equation such as the pseudo-spin chirality. Recently, the strong nonlinear coupling between the quasi-particle in graphene and light oscillated with the terahertz frequency region had been theoretically predicted, leading to the experimental verifications for the nonlinear response emerging in graphene. However, all experimental studies up to now have been well interpreted based on the thermal nonlinearity only, although strong plasmonic nonlinearity has been theoretically predicted to come into play together with the thermal nonlinearity. In this talk, I will present the first experimental evidence of the strong plasmonic nonlinearity. Detailed experimental (narrow terahertz band pump-probe spectroscopy) and analysis methodologies will be provided.
줌 링크: https://www.vekni.org/index.php?mid=menu_schedule&category=52439&document_srl=53275
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